The Western Cape is a place of exceptional beauty with few areas in the world to rival it.
Bestowed with two of Africa's most dramatic landmarks, Table Mountain and Cape Point, the Western Cape is a floral paradise of rich fertile winelands, secluded bays, fine white sandy beaches and lush green coastal forests. Hugging the shores are picturesque villages overlooking some of the country's finest beaches. In striking contrast to this, seperated by the Langeberg range, is the seemingly endless landscape of the semi-arid Karoo.
The Cape is the home of the fynbos. The smallest of the world's six floral 'kingdoms', it is nevertheless one of the most varied and considered to be in botanical terms the richest area on earth. Of more than 8500 plant species found in the fynbos, 6000 are endemic to specific areas.
Game is well represented and nature reserves and national parks in the Cape are home to the Bontebok, Cape Mountain Zebra, Baboon and Cape Fox to mention only a few of the many wildlife species to be found. The southern coastline is an important breeding ground for the Southern Right Whale providing some of the best whale watching in the world.
The Western Cape is an absolute pleasure to visit, offering endless opportunities to explore the natural beauty of this province. From flora and fauna to fossils and rock art, crystal pools and caves to mountains and pristine beaches, the Western Cape is a delight for all.